Monday, April 2, 2012

Lets Bake Something--Easy!

Long time no update, right? I told you that I am a cereal blogger. C'est levet! Well today I have something yummy to make up for it. Blueberry-Lemon Scones! This is a very easy recipe, so you will be stuffing your face in no time.

Blueberry-Lemon Scones (easy)


  • 2 1/2 cups baking mix, like Bisquick
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1/2 stick (1/4 cup) unsalted butter
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1/4 cup milk
  • 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
  • Zest of one Lemon
  • All-purpose flour, for work surface


Preheat the oven to 400 degrees F. 

Scones: Whisk together the baking mix and sugar in a large bowl. Mix in the butter with your hands or a food processor until the butter is the size of peas. Beat the eggs well with the 1/4 cup milk and lemon zest  in a small bowl. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients and combine until just blended. Do not over mix. Gently fold in the blueberries . Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and pat into a 3/4-inch thick square. Cut into 4 squares, then cut each square into 2 triangles. Arrange the scones on an ungreased baking sheet and bake until golden brown, about 15 minutes. Remove and let cool a bit. Stuff your face, when cool enough. Duh!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Meal Planning Monday

Monday is here and that means meal planning.  Well technically I usually do my meal planning on Sunday, but ‘Meal Planning Monday’ has a catchier ring to it.

I just had a baby. So I have a new fondness for organization and planning. When it was just me and DH (dear husband) I would just go with the flow, go to the store more than once in a week or eat out more than once in a week. Times have changed my friend’s I am a proud new mommy of a beautiful bouncing baby boy. May I also mention that this beautiful bouncing baby boy also poops, farts, and cries on the regular, with occasional spit up. The dream right?  He makes sure to keep me on my toes as I transition in to mommy hood. So my new found savior is meal planning. It makes my life ten times better. Heck it makes it twenty times better. Because I am a forgetful person, but not any more thanks to my handy dandy meal planning chart. At least when it comes to the grocery store. I go to the store and I’m in and I’m out with ease carrying my tiny human and my meal plans for the week.  

If you are familiar with the inter webs you know that you can Google just about everything. That is one way to find free pintables. Also thanks to my fast growing addiction and including every other woman in the world, Pinterest, I can go there and find a variety of pintables.  Cute ones to boot!

So go find a cute meal planning template and come plan with me. I can commit every Monday to posting my meal plan. But that’s the only commitment I can promise thus far. Baby steps people.

My Monday is messed up due to the time change and my husband took my car to work today. So I can't do my grocery shopping. We will have to eat take out and I will have to go to the store tomorrow.

Here is my meal plan for the week.

Example found at through Pinterest